Tuesday, March 20, 2007


The international office organized for us exchange students a weekend in a cabin of the school in the mountains. 30min away from Bergen by car ...

... and 20min up the mountain by foot.

At 5 o'clock we (Tanya, Helene, Gayou, Kathrin) started cooking for 50 people. Imagine: 1 oven, 2 casseroles, 6kilos rice, 5kilos meat and water from downstairs (Tanya: "Svenno, I need some more water, please")

The result of two hours of cooking!

Proud cookers ;)

Our residence for 4 hours of sleep

After a pleasant wake-up (Svenno: "WAKE UP; you have 5 minutes; we have to clean the cabin") we were excited but also scared about the way back down.

It took us 40minutes to get down this slippery and muddy mountain.


The way down was actually funnier than expected ...

But just one question : Where was Naïri during this week-end ?
I was enjoying Bergen with my parents who spent three days in Norway with me !!

1 comment:

Marielle said...

how many time did you wear your sunglasses ?
2,50€ pour un pain au choco C'EST SCANDALEUX !